
This website and the information included within are only intended to be used as a general information resource. Whilst we endeavor to keep the information updated and correct, we can not make any representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, or suitability of the information. Users’ reliance on the information given is consequently entirely at their own risk. No responsibility or liability will be accepted by this website, or its owners for any negative consequences, current or eventual, related to the use of this website and information contained within.

The owner of this website will take no responsibility for and shall not be liable for the website being unavailable for use or for the removal of any information published.

We have no control or responsibility for the content or availability of other websites to which we link. Although the content of linked websites may change over time, links are provided in good faith. If you notice us linking to a page that appears to be out of place, please contact us and we will remove it as we see fit.

Applicability of Takedis Travel Guide’s general conditions and additional travel information and conditions

Takedis Travel Guide’s general conditions and additional travel information and conditions shall apply to all accommodations offered by Takedis Travel Guide on this website. These conditions can be downloaded here: general conditions and extra travel conditions. To read these files, you must first install Acrobat Reader. You may get it at In addition to the general conditions and additional travel information and conditions, Florida law shall apply to the entirety of Takedis Travel Guide’s offer. The Lake County District Court is the responsible judicial entity.

Contents of Takedis Travel Guide’s website

The offer on this website is free of obligations and subject to interim changes. Takedis Travel Guide makes every effort to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and timeliness of information and data on this website. Despite such care, errors and omissions may regrettably appear on this website. No rights shall derive from any errors or omissions. Furthermore, Takedis Travel Guide accepts no liability for any direct or indirect damage or problems that are occasioned by or in any way related to the use of the information and data provided on this website. The foregoing also means that Takedis Travel Guide cannot be bound by and is not liable for any direct or indirect damage or problems that are occasioned by or in any way related to the exhibited availability of the accommodation on its website. As soon as an error or omission is known to Takedis Travel Guide, this will be corrected forthwith. Moreover, as soon as Takedis Travel Guide becomes aware of an error or omission and if this is of importance to your booking, Takedis Travel Guide will immediately inform you of the error or omission.

Limited guarantee on facilities and services

Takedis Travel Guide cannot give any guarantees with regard to the prices, opening times, and availability of any specified facilities or services such as, for example, discotheque, laundry, entertainment, or tennis court. Where the website does not make mention of any charges for the use of facilities and services, charges may nonetheless be applicable at the site. Changes may also have been made to the charges that are specified. Additionally, just because facilities are mentioned does not necessarily mean that these will always be open or available. Changes may also have been made to the specified opening times and availability.

Availability of Takedis Travel Guide’s website

Takedis Travel Guide makes every effort to ensure the availability of this website and communications between Takedis Travel Guide and users. Despite such care, the functioning of the website may not be optimal. Takedis Travel Guide does not accept any liability for any direct or indirect damage or problems caused by or in any way related to (i) the malfunctioning or unavailability of this website, (ii) the temporary unavailability of this website, or the information or data appearing thereon due to, for example, a technical failure, (iii) failures, interruptions or errors in the electronic delivery of services requested through the website or (iv) malfunctions, interruptions, delays, viruses, misunderstanding or errors in the (electronic) communication between Takedis Travel Guide and users.

Google Maps

The location of the accommodation offered by Takedis Travel Guide is depicted on Google Maps. This depiction serves as an indication that no rights shall derive therefrom. The precise address for accommodation will be made available to you when booking. Takedis Travel Guide is not responsible for the content or the functioning of Google Maps.

Hyperlinks and third-party services

You will find hyperlinks that refer to other websites on the Takedis Travel Guide website. These websites are owned or controlled by third parties. The information on these websites is not part of the information made available by Takedis Travel Guide. The information on these websites is accordingly never part of any agreement between Takedis Travel Guide on the one hand and visitors to Takedis Travel Guide’s website or Takedis Travel Guide’s customers on the other hand. You will also find references to other websites on Takedis Travel Guide’s website with services provided by third parties, like hotel stays, car hire, and the trip provider. Takedis Travel Guide has no control over and is not responsible for the content of this website and the performance of the services. Takedis Travel Guide has no control and authority over the websites that can be linked. Accordingly, Takedis Travel Guide is not responsible for and does not accept any liability for the use, availability, functioning, and content of these websites.

Intellectual property

This website and its entire contents are the intellectual property of Takedis Travel Guide. The visitor to this website is only permitted to print out and/or download specific parts of the content of this website for strictly personal and non-commercial use. All other forms of reproduction and all forms of publication, irrespective of the medium used, are only permitted with the express written permission of Takedis Travel Guide for this. The use of the trade name and the trademark Takedis Travel Guide is also not permitted without the express written permission of Takedis Travel Guide. The creation of a hyperlink to Takedis Travel Guide’s website from a third party is permitted, provided that this does not involve framed linking, in-line linking, or comparable forms of links. Furthermore, the creation of a hyperlink is not permitted when the image of Takedis Travel Guide may manifestly be damaged due to the nature, content, or layout of the website of the third party.

Changes to website and offer

Takedis Travel Guide reserves the right to effect changes to this website without prior notice, including the content of this disclaimer and the offering of accommodation.